Նորածին երեխայի տեսքով 23-ամյա տղայի հիվանդությունը շոկի է ենթարկել բժիշկներին ( Լուսանկարներ)


Metro UK պարբերականը գրում է.

23-ամյա Մահմեդ Սինքի սարսափելի հիվանդությունը շոկի է ենթարկել ողջ համացանցը և բժիշկներին: Այս երիտասարդը ունի 1 տարեկան փոքրիկի տեսք, իսկ քաշը կշռում է ընդամենը 11 կգ: Մահմեդը Հնդկաստանից է: Բժիշկներին ոչ մի կերպ չի հաջողվել գտնել հիվանդության պատճառը և կանխել դրա զարգացումը:


Tragic story of 23-year-old man trapped inside body of a baby

INCREDIBLE IMAGES have emerged from India this week showing the tragic story of Manpreet Singh, the tiny 23-year-old man who is trapped in the body of an eleven-pound baby. The ???pint-sized man???, as he has been labelled by his neighbours, stopped growing after a year. Manpreet needs to be taken care of like toddler and carried everywhere by his aunt Lakhwinder Kaur, 42. Manpreet, who was born in 1995, was a healthy baby when he was born in Punjab, India. But before he could start to walk or talk, his growth suddenly stopped. Doctors initially told father Jagtar Singh (50), a small-time farmer, that he would start growing again. But when that didn???t happen, the doctors suggested that it could be a hormone disorder. The family is still at a loss as to why Manpreet???s growth suddenly stopped. Manpreet has one sister, Jaspreet who has just turned 17 and a brother Mangaldeep. Both of them are physically and mentally developed. The doctors in India are baffled by his condition and are unable to come up with a proper diagnosis of the condition / Newslions Media / mediadrumworld.com

Manpreet with his uncle / INCREDIBLE IMAGES have emerged from India this week showing the tragic story of Manpreet Singh, the tiny 23-year-old man who is trapped in the body of an eleven-pound baby. The ???pint-sized man???, as he has been labelled by his neighbours, stopped growing after a year. Manpreet needs to be taken care of like toddler and carried everywhere by his aunt Lakhwinder Kaur, 42. Manpreet, who was born in 1995, was a healthy baby when he was born in Punjab, India. But before he could start to walk or talk, his growth suddenly stopped. Doctors initially told father Jagtar Singh (50), a small-time farmer, that he would start growing again. But when that didn???t happen, the doctors suggested that it could be a hormone disorder. The family is still at a loss as to why Manpreet???s growth suddenly stopped. Manpreet has one sister, Jaspreet who has just turned 17 and a brother Mangaldeep. Both of them are physically and mentally developed. The doctors in India are baffled by his condition and are unable to come up with a proper diagnosis of the condition / Newslions Media / mediadrumworld.com

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